Today's the day. Home with sick kids

Today’s the day. I’m at home burning leave because of sick kids. Today’s the day to start a forum for women in the military who are married with children. Today’s the day to encourage all the other women who are in my situation wondering just “how to do it.” I believe that it is possible to be married, have kids, and rise in the ranks. I confess right now that I don’t have the answer! However, I want to use this forum to help the 12,214 women (as of 18 Apr 16) soar high in the Air Force. I plan discuss issues pertinent to our group, to highlight success techniques, to meet other women, but most importantly to encourage women.

When I look to my left and to my right, I rarely see any other women. When I look up, I don’t see any women in uniform similar to me…married with kids. We can do it too!

According to AFPC (31 Mar 16), the officer corps is comprised by 20.3% women. Just where are these ladies?? Everywhere! However, the 46NX nursing field has the highest numbers with 1,583 women. Second place is the 14NX Intel field with 809 women. My career field has far less and we are scattered all over the world. However, I find it encouraging that over half of the women, 7,051 are married. What I can't tell from from AFPC's webiste is how many women, who like me, take days off to care for sick kids.

My first topic is “How do you handle sick kiddos?”

I have three AWESOME boys ages 7, 5, and 22 months. During the past 3 weeks, all three boys have been sick. My husband and I have collectively made 3 trips to Ft. Belvior ER and 2 doctor visits. I have taken three days of leave and my husband has taken another 3 days off of work.  We review schedules and see who can take the day off. We generally try to alternate so that neither of us has to take it all on. My technique #1: Every fiscal year I allocate no less than 5 days of annual leave for sick kids. When I had children under 1, I saved 7 days of leave for sick kids.  This helps make a stressful situation a little less stressful. My technique #2:  I have several sitters I call. Last week I had to call a sitter to cover the time in between when my husband needed to leave and when I could get home.

To all the Good Moms & Good Officers....

What are your techniques when your kids are sick?

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Rojan Robotham