Working Moms Are Resilient
Last week I was asked to describe a
time when I was resilient. My mind immediately started racing trying to think
of a major event where I was resilient. However,
I kept coming back to one idea—I am a working mom, I am resilient every
day. When I shared this with another
person, they replied to that my answer is not what they are looking for. This made
me doubt my thought. So I went to Google to make sure that I had the right
definition. Google says a resilient person
is “able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions”. I think this
definition confirms my idea: I am a working mom, I am resilient. I will admit
that one woman’s “difficult conditions” may not be another woman’s “difficult
conditions”. However, for me, when I am running late to work and the 2-yr
refuses to put pants on, this is a difficult situation. When my boss has a one
hour meeting that starts at 3pm but is still going strong at 5, this is a
difficult situation. So, maybe my friend
is correct and these are not the examples that they were looking to hear.
However, I maintain that working moms know a thing or two about being
resilient. We have to keep going for our
kids, our spouses, our co-workers, and also ourselves. Successful working moms
have to have techniques and systems in place so that they do not “lose it” or “break
down”. This does not mean that there is no crying. Crying can be good for the
soul and resiliency. Crying, screaming, laughing, talking with friends, massages,
wine, running, cooking, and playing with my boys are a few of my techniques to
stay resilient. Most importantly for me is that I repeat to myself that things
will be okay. If my son goes to daycare
in his pajamas, it will be okay. If I have to call a friend to pick my kids up before
aftercare closes, it will be okay. Fortunately or unfortunately, as a working
mom I often get to practice recovering, adapting, and growing. To all the other
working women—Keep Being Resilient!