Learning & Growing
August is a month of transitions. Summer break ends and
school returns. There is excitement
everywhere. Teacher assignments. New back bags. Return to learning.
Possibilities. This time of year allows us to start fresh. New Beginnings. It
is time to assess my plans and organization for this next phase.
3 thoughts…..
1- Acceptance
This back to school season I am calmer than I have ever
been. I think I have begun to accept the uncertainty and chaos. School forms
may have a few blanks—it will be okay. I may not have all the requested glue
sticks—it will be okay. I may need to ask friends for help—it will be okay. I have reached a place where I “sweat the small stuff” less.
Learning & Growing
2- Night Routine
I have developed a pretty good morning routine. Working out,
make breakfast, pack lunches, go to work. I have put thought into this. I also have
a rough timeline of how the morning should go. This year I am going to try implementing
a night routine. Hopefully consistently preparing more during the evenings will
help the mornings go smoother. Maybe even reduce the stress & chaos.
Learning & Growing
3- Step Out
For some crazy reason, this spring I decided to sign up for
fall classes. I do not yet know where I
will find the time for reading and homework. However, I believe that sometimes
I have to step out not knowing where my foot will land. But I step out anyway
because I must continue to push forward.
Learning & Growing.