Manageable Goals & Be Accountable for Success
It’s December and another journey around the sun is nearly complete. I have spent some time reflecting on 2017 and have some observations. I had a big goal list for the year. Many of my goals required me to get out of my comfort zone and push myself to accomplish something new. I completed many of the things that I set out to do this year. However, I missed a few goals also.
For me, the difference between those items that I accomplished and the goals that I did not complete was having Manageable goals & be Accountable for those goals.
Observation 1: Manageable Goals
One of the goals I established in Jan was organizing pictures and kid art work from many years. This is something I wanted done and I still want this done. However, I see this as a major task and I lacked direction on how I could complete this goal. I never got out of the starting gates with this goal because it seemed hard and I did not have a manageable approach to complete the effort. Actually, the situation has only gotten worse as I have accumulated more pictures and art work. My initial lack of a way to manage completion of this goal ultimately left it undone.
I contrast that goal with my plan to run 500 miles in 2017. I broke this goal down into running 9 miles a week or running 3 5k’s a week. I had a way to manage and monitor my success from the beginning and ultimately led to success.
Observation 2: Accountability
Being accountable was another key to my success. One of the reasons that I completed my running goal is that I told numerous people about this goal. I posted on Facebook about my status. I talked to friends. I told my family about it. Everyone was asking me about how I was doing. When I didn’t run, people asked me why. I even ran when I did not want to because I wanted to say that I completed the 9 miles. I was accountable to many people and myself.
What are your 2018 goals?
Can you manage completing your goals?
How can you remain accountable to your goals?