Treat Yourself
Working as an AF leader, wife, mom, daughter, and sister, life can feel like a constant marathon. There is always something that needs done or someone who needs something. It often feels like the go-go-go never stops. I know that if I want success I have to give and give of myself at work and home. Maintaining this marathon pace can sometimes be mentally and physically challenging. I also know that I have to take care of myself. Taking care of myself includes many things, such as getting exercise and eating healthy which I try to regularly do. I also plan downtime to vacation, rest, and recharge. I have come to realize that this isn’t enough.
Recently I was on a plane and I heard the flight attendant explain the safety rules to a mom traveling with her child. The flight attendant said that in the event of an emergency, the mother needed to secure her own oxygen mask before helping her child. This made me stop and reflect about how I live my life. When do I ever put myself first??
In all my roles as an AF leader, wife, mom, daughter and sister I am always caring for others before myself. Whether at home or work, I am always making sure that those around me have their needs met first. I will continue to do this because it is who I am. But I need to ask myself: When do I ever put myself first?
I believe that if you want to be successful and soar as high as you want, you also need to Treat Yourself. I am going to treat myself for all that I have accomplished.
Don’t let life pass you by. Don’t miss enjoying the benefits of your work. This month, treat yourself for all that you have accomplished. Do something special for yourself that you never do. Put Yourself First. Then get back at it. Set another goal and Go Get It.