It Takes a Village...for a successful career

The “It takes a village” phrase is commonly referred to the number of people that it takes to raise children.  I agree that it does take a village to raise children.  I also believe that it takes a village is a good phrase for what it takes for a person to have a successful career.  However you define success, it takes hard work & commitment to succeed.  A lot of person’s success has to do with the person.  They have to do their part.  However, it also has a lot to do with the people around them, supporting them, and developing their career.  Yes, you need mentors and maybe even a sponsor.  I believe that you also need a village.


I think back over my own career and I am grateful for those that took care of me before I even understood what they were doing.  Knowing what I know now, I wish I could thank them all. My first boss took care of me by making sure my performance evaluations “said the right things”.  He also helped me “get the next job” I wanted.  He did so many things to help me without me understanding the impact of his actions.  From that starting point forward, many others like him have been guiding and directing my career without saying a word.  Others like my parents, friends, and family have been more overt and direct in their advice and guidance.  There have been many others in the various organizations that have I worked in who became part of my village. They helped train & guide me. They told me what to do and what not to do.  Additionally, many other working moms, families and numerous other people have been and continue to be a part of my village. They provide me support and encouragement. They step in to help when I need it.  I am only able to do what I do and become what I have become because of the village.


Who is in your Village? 

Whose Village are you a part of? 




Rojan Robotham